Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Review: I'm a Vampire For Real

Title: I'm a Vampire...For Real
Author: Jackie RoseAuthor site: www.jackieroseroom.comPublisher site: www.extasybooks.comPrice: $4.99ISBN: humor, vampirePub date: Oct. 14, 2005Rating: one flame (mildest)Formats: Adobe PDF, Microsoft LIT, hiebook KML, Palm PDB, Rocketbook RB,Mobipocket PRC, HTML
Fantasy Times Rating:  8.3

To properly set the stage for the following review, I must inform you of an important point.  I have not read much of this type of fiction and thus my review is based solely on the reaction I had as a reviewer.  That being said….

I’m a Vampire…For Real by Jackie Rose is a humorous foray into the world of politics and real estate.  The story opens with Mistress Legree holding a small party with some of her friends and quickly runs smack into the political arena with the President and Congress who are intent on passing the “Same Species Marriage Bill”.  President O’Neill doesn’t really want to sign the bill, but is concerned about his own daughter’s romance….and there are plenty of interest groups who wish to work on him.

I found myself laughing from the onset of the story.  Ms. Rose is a fantastic humorist with a mastery of parody and finds a way to cut through my normally quite conservative stereotypes.  The humor was sharp witted and made the read quite fulfilling.  One of my favorite lines is late in the story:

Actually, it sounded much more like Satanism than witchcraft to him, and goodness knows his First Lady had spent enough time lecturing about the difference. Still, he was in no condition to quibble, as he realized when he felt the First Penis straining against his blue serge pants.

The story went on to talk about the various special interest groups.  At no point during my reading did I find myself offended and I instantly bought the humor she used.  Well worth the read especially when you need a laugh…and a must for anyone who’s been told they’re too uptight, I would recommend this book to anyone over 18.

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